The Sahra
A group for GBTQ guys into guys who identify as Middle Eastern. Participants met weekly to watch a movie and have a discussion about the experiences of Middle Eastern guys in the GBT2Q world.

Gay Muslim Cooking Night
MAX Ottawa and Gay Muslims United organized this event - not requiring participants to identify as Muslim. Participants met in a downtown building, cooked and ate together, and learned about Muslim Communal lifestyle.

Gaie, Francophones et Fiers
Gay, Francophone and Proud is a dinner, community village and entertainment event for francophone and francophile GBT2Q guys into guys in Gatineau and Ottawa.

Make Makeup Genderless
Makeup Genderless aimed to build healthier and more resilient communities by de-stigmatizing makeup as a non-gendered art form and means of self-expression. Participants, particularly those who are guys into guys, were welcomed to creatively explore various makeup tools and techniques from a gender-neutral framework.

Qu’art Queer Community Gardening Club
The project aimed to mix fun volunteer gardening work in local Ottawa community plots with learning, socializing, and fun intergenerational knowledge-sharing. All queer people of any age were welcome to apply with a commitment to 2 or 3 flexible volunteer hours per week.

T4T Zone
The project connected trans men (and gay, queer, bisexual, transmasculine, non-binary, Two-Spirit, gender-diverse men and folks) with other trans men & folks through virtual hangout meetings.

Comfortable in his own Skin
A learning opportunity exploring a photography project about personal journeys related to life altering weight loss. There was also a moderated artist talk and panel discussion on the male nude in photography, masculinity, gender performance, and body image.

Hygge Homesharing
Hygge is the Danish word for coziness. The founder aimed to provide social support by pairing students and seniors in co-housing relationships.

MAX at the Movies
A free social and film-viewing event. After the movie, group members had an open group discussion about the film.