RÉZO is organizing the first francophone Summit on GBTQ men health in Canada: SMASH


By Jean-François Gagnon - National Knowledge Broker for Advance, RÉZO

RÉZO is organizing the first Francophone Summit concerning the health of gay and bisexual men (cis and trans) in Canada: SMASH (Montreal’s Action Summit for the Health of Men who have Sexual or Romantic Relationships with other Men). The event will take place over two days in Montréal: Friday, March 29th and Saturday, March 30th, 2019. Registration is required, but free.

SMASH is made possible thanks to founding from the Public Health Agency of Canada, through the HIV and Hepatitis C Community Action Fund, which made possible the creation of the Advance Community Alliance. This event is inspired by the annual Summit on GBT2Q health that the Community-Based Research Center (CBRC) has been organizing in Vancouver since 2005.

Considering that it will be the first edition, the event aims to be a meeting place for MSM (men who have sex or romantic relationships with other men), professionals and stakeholders who work with MSM, and allies. In addition to bringing together people from Québec, Francophones from New Brunswick and Ontario will also join the participants.

What can we expect? A conference for professionals and stakeholders on the portrait of the GBTQ community in Montréal, a 5@7 networking, an artistic performance, two GBTQ men's health panels, a world-café and hands-on workshops!

To find out about SMASH programming and registration:

Facebook event

SMASH website

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