Check out the Summit 2021: Creators Project
Each year, Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) hosts a national Summit on GBT2Q health. This conference unites healthcare providers, community-based organizations, and community advocates alike as they engage with innovative and exciting GBT2Q health research, programs, and initiatives happening across Canada.
For Summit 2021, we invited GBT2Q artists and social media content creators to attend different sessions of the conference and to create a work of art inspired by what they had learned.
Summit 2021’s theme was Disrupt and Reconstruct, exploring how we can achieve queer and trans equity in health care by rewriting routines of care and deconstructing systems that continue to leave out or deprioritize people in our communities. Like many of the presenters, this year’s creators are also working to disrupt and reconstruct the status quo. Their efforts help shine a spotlight on the truth, create moments of pure joy, and inspire us to act.
Click here to check out all of the Creator Projects.