Posts tagged CBRC
Summit 2020 Creator Project

For Summit 2020, we are seeking GBT2Q content creators to attend at least two online Summit sessions and create a piece of content inspired by what they’ve learned, which will be shared widely online by CBRC and its partners. And we’d love for one of those content creators to be you! So, if you’re a creator who’s passionate about supporting GBT2Q health and interested in a paid opportunity to expand your knowledge and develop creative content for our communities – read on for details on how to apply!

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Guest UserCBRC, Events
Introducing The BC Community Advocates Program -CommA-

In an effort to engage community members in BC’s smaller-urban and rural areas, HIM launched the BC Community Advocates program (CommA) in partnership with CBRC and Men’s Health Initiative. This new program recruits GBT2Q community members who are active in their communities to attend CBRC’s Summit in Vancouver, an annual conference on the unique health needs of GBT2Q men.

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Guest UserHIM, British Columbia, CBRC
Nova Scotians Need Improved Access to PrEP

Nova Scotians urgently need increased access to PrEP to reduce HIV incidence among the populations most heavily affected, including gay, bi, queer, and other men who have sex with men. This past summer, the Atlantic Canadian province saw a spike in new HIV cases, with 16 cases reported as of June – double what public health officials would expect at that point in the year.

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Prep’ing for PrEP in Alberta

On October 1, 2018 Alberta Health began offering PrEP at no-cost to eligible Albertans. And while we're as excited about that as you are, what may be less clear is all of the hard work that went into making this happen. Fortunately, our CBRC Advance team members in Alberta had a front-row view.

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Guest UserPrEP, Alberta, CBRC, Prairies